
SCRUM: What does a product owner do at SevenLab?

Bas Alderding

At SevenLab we work with SCRUM in fast sprints towards an end product. With SCRUM, everything happens under the watchful eye of the product owner. The product owner represents the vision of the organisation and is the link between all stakeholders. To ensure that the end product fits seamlessly with this vision, the customer The product owner. Don't worry: you don't need to know about complicated software codes. This is what you can expect as a product owner before, during and after a sprint:

For the sprint

Before the sprint begins, the product owner determines the course of the sprint. Firstly, this is done with the product backlog. This is a list of all the functionalities of the final product, i.e. the user stories. A user story is formulated as follows:"As (user), I want (functionality), so that I can (why)". Finally, the entire list is ranked according to added value. The user stories can be further developed during the backlog refinement session with the IT Accelerator.

On the first day of a sprint, the Product Owner, Scrum Master and the development team come together for the sprint planning. During this meeting, we determine which user stories will be taken up in the sprint. These are placed in the Sprint Backlog. The development team then draws a realistic picture of the required time by means of planning poker. Once both the Product Owner and the development team have come to an agreement, the sprint can begin!

During the sprint

During the sprint, it is the task of the product owner to monitor the progress of the end product. This is done by monitoring the product backlog. monitors and functionality Tests. The development team lets you know when the user stories are ready in the test environment. Then there are two options. Are you satisfied with the functionality? Then the user story is on ready for live set. If something is still not quite to your liking, the task can be returned to 'open' be put with the necessary feedback. The development team will then look at it again.

After the sprint

At the end of the sprint, the Product Owner, scrum master and the development team met again at the sprint review. The development team gives a short demonstration of the result and together they check whether all tasks have been completed. If not, they are put back on the product backlog for the next sprint. After the sprint review, during the retrospective looks back on the past sprint. The Product Owner, Scrum Master and the development team grade each other and discuss what went well and what could be improved. This way, everyone performs even better during the next sprint!

Do you also want to get started as a product owner of your own software? We are happy to make the possibilities clear. Feel free to send us a message!

SevenLab is a reliable party with great customer focus. They actively think with you, are enormously helpful and flexible.

Satish Bahwanidin

Project leader VO-raad

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