
Digital environment helps education in corona crisis

Bas Alderding

The corona crisis is also affecting education. Schools are currently closed and face the challenge of finding a new and safe form of offering education according to RIVM guidelines. Because it is such an unprecedented situation, it is important for school leaders to put their heads together. To facilitate this, we helped Edualdo set up a digital environment where school leaders can exchange experience and knowledge to reach solid solutions quickly and efficiently.


Edualdo offers teachers a platform to help each other. SevenLab created a digital environment for Edualdo where teachers exchange knowledge and experience. Teachers can come here for specific issues. Not everything can be extracted from a module, so it is nice to talk to experts by experience. Because it has since been used as much, this communication platform has grown into an extensive knowledge database. The topics are enormously diverse. By subdividing them and offering them clearly, we ensure that visitors quickly find answers to their questions.

Crisis in education

The corona measures have closed schools and forced teachers to rearrange lessons. This is an unprecedented challenge for which no one is prepared. It is therefore more important than ever to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas. By joining forces on Edualdo, teachers together come up with the best approach to the new digital learning from home.

School leaders now also face some pretty tough tasks. On the one hand, facilitating all opportunities to offer education digitally and, on the other, setting up schools to be safe places that comply with RIVM regulations. Among school and team leaders, therefore, there is an urgent need to discuss this with each other.

Edualdo for school leaders

From, the request came to Edualdo to offer a similar service for school leaders with some urgency. This is how the request came to SevenLab to set up a secure online environment. One of SevenLab's core values is to help people build smart software, and in times of crisis we are therefore happy to make an extra contribution. Despite having a lot of work on the schedule, our Senior Developer Arjan freed up extra time for this project. Thanks to his extra efforts, a digital environment for school leaders was created in a short time (a week and a half!).

The final product went online immediately and is already in use by many school leaders. Some 200 (invited) users are active. User statistics show that the platform has come in handy. In the short time it has been online, some 600 issues have already been addressed. Hopefully, this will contribute to solid solutions for education.

These are difficult times in which many industries face complicated challenges. With the need to keep physical distance, many solutions lie in digitising processes, building software or setting up IT. We like to help where we can and therefore provide free IT advice.

SevenLab is a reliable party with great customer focus. They actively think with you, are enormously helpful and flexible.

Satish Bahwanidin

Project leader VO-raad

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