
Apps for healthcare and hospital

Bas Alderding

There are enormous opportunities for apps in healthcare. We think there is still a lot of room for improvement, and you probably do too! Of course, there are more providers on the market, but with our approach we think we can really add value for a healthcare institution. In this article, you can read about some of our ideas for apps in healthcare.


Care institutions encounter a number of problems with the current method. In our opinion, there is room for improvement.

  • Paper forms are a lot of hassle

  • Entering data into ICT systems is often complicated and time-consuming; moreover, this is often done behind the laptop or PC (not flexible).

  • Signalling changes in patients' condition is done via expensive and old-fashioned devices

  • Staff not always up to date with latest treatment history

Our ideas

At SevenLab we have been brainstorming for a while about the possibilities of apps within healthcare.

Idea 1: Bluetooth heart rate monitor wristbands; real-time monitoring of patients

The technology for measuring heart rate by means of an arm/wrist band already exists. Various suppliers (Mio, Garmin, Samsung, Basis) supply these devices, and the hardware is also accessible via an app. For example, you can see in real time what someone's heart rate is at any given time.

What would be better than to equip patients with such a device and thus be able to monitor their heart remotely (or in the hospital). If something goes wrong, care providers are immediately notified on their own smartphone/workphone/tablet. The caregivers' screen will immediately show the patient and the relevant care history.

This way, not only can very expensive equipment be saved, but the assistance can also be provided much better and faster. This does not only have to be limited to measuring the heart rate, but also the blood pressure.

Idea 2: With Near Field Communication (NFC) directly the right patient data

Replace a paper tray at the bedside with an NFC sticker. Another option is to use bluetooth technology (such as Apple's iBeacon). Scan this with a smartphone or tablet and instantly retrieve the latest patient data. Then make digital notes of the last treatment; these are immediately available to your colleague and can be accessed remotely if necessary.

Idea 3: Prescribe medication

Request the right patient from existing information systems via tablet and/or smartphone, then write out the right medication with the press of a button. A message is automatically sent to the pharmacy.

Innovation in healthcare

Smartphone and tablet apps offer countless possibilities. There are still many opportunities in healthcare. At SevenLab, we try to help hospitals and other healthcare institutions to innovate their services.

With the ever-growing demand for care, increasing interference from insurers and decreasing budgets, it is extremely important to organise processes as efficiently and optimally as possible, and an app can really add value.

SevenLab is a reliable party with great customer focus. They actively think with you, are enormously helpful and flexible.

Satish Bahwanidin

Project leader VO-raad

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